Nonlinear Dynamics, Chaos, Electronics, Integrated Circuit Design, Democratizing Education
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Open-source integrated circuit design
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New dynamical systems informed by information theory
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Sensor applications of chaotic systems


Aubrey N. Beal, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

Teacher & Researcher

Electrical & Computer Engineering
The University of Alabama in Huntsville

★ RMP Google Scholar ORCID
Curriculum Vitae
Office: ENG 263-C
Email: aubrey (dot) beal (at) uah (dot) edu
Phone: 256 (dash) 824 (dash) 6307
Fields of interest: Electronics, nonlinear dynamics & chaos
Research statement: I build electronic circuits to study how systems facilitate the emergence of structure, complexity, and computation in their dynamics. I am particularly interested in new dynamical behaviors that catalyze engineering breakthroughs. This work leads to exciting mystery and conundrum with deep connections to information theory, communication, security, and artificial intelligence.
Teaching statement: I love to learn, especially with students. I engage classrooms with a spirit of curiosity, creativity, and playful interpretation. My example-driven pedagogy encourages practical observations and values novel problem solving that transcends conventional boundaries. I aim to motivate theoretical rigor progressively towards complex challenges.
Welcome to my website! I am a tenure-track, Assistant Professor at The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH). I work with bright and curious students, colleagues, and community members. On this website, you will will find academic, industrial and administrative information regarding my research, teaching, and university-related activities. Whether you are just starting your journey or seeking to deepen your knowledge in electronics, signal processing, or nonlinear dynamics (chaos, complex systems, etc.), I am excited to work with passionate students and colleagues. My door is always open, and I am eager to support you as you pursue your academic and professional goals.
Propesctive students: Our research group is seeking highly motivated and dedicated students (graduate and undergraduate). As a member of our research group, you will have the chance to work on research projects that are 1) on the edge of knowledge and 2) will have a real-world impact. In addition to gaining valuable research experience, we often offer funded positions. This is a fantastic opportunity to develop your skills, network with other researchers, and make meaningful contributions to the fields of electronics and nonlinear dynamics. Please, consider:

Bouncing Ball Circuit

STUDENTS often contribute significant effort to gain intuition behind the Fourier Transform (and similarly Fourier Series). Recipies, smoothies, cakes, etc…

October 22, 2023

Offloaded Mathematical Recollections

After enrolling in electronics courses, many students are still connecting dots and developing fluency regarding prereq STEM concepts. Below is an article that addresses common questions, strategies and conceptual connections that I hope will aid students in their study of electronics. The takeaway is to practice, ask questions, then practice some more. Don't get discouraged. In my experience, it always feels like I have to re-learn the most important topics many times....

September 30, 2023

Fourier Transform as a Correlation

STUDENTS often contribute significant effort to gain intuition behind the Fourier Transform (and similarly Fourier Series). Recipies, smoothies, cakes, etc… The mechanics of using integration to acheive the … Fourier transform derivation from a correlation perspective… A cross-correlation integral is defined as $$\begin{align} (f\star g)(\tau) &\triangleq \int_\infty^\infty \overline{f(t)}g(t+\tau)dt \newline &\triangleq \int_\infty^\infty \overline{f(t-\tau)}g(t)dt \end{align}$$ For discrete function, a cross-correlation sum is defined as $$\begin{align} (f\star g)[n] &\triangleq \sum_\infty^\infty \overline{f[m]}g[m+n] \newline &\triangleq \sum_\infty^\infty \overline{f[m-n]}g[m] \end{align}$$...

September 27, 2023

Voltage Controlled Capacitor Circuits

CONTROLLING capacitance mechanically usually involves varying an effective, shared area between conductive plates. Some of these designs take the form of relatively small footprints with small 1 Voltage controlled capacitors are useful for many applications. $$\begin{align} v_\text{out}&=-A v_\text{in} \end{align}$$ $$\begin{align} v_{ZM}&=I_T Z_M \end{align}$$ $$\begin{align} v_{ZM} &=v_\text{in}-v_\text{out} \newline &=v_\text{in}-(-A v_\text{in}) \newline &=v_\text{in}+A v_\text{in} \newline &=v_\text{in}(1+A) \newline &=V_T(1+A) \newline \end{align}$$ $$\begin{align} v_{ZM}=I_T Z_M &=V_T(1+A) \newline \end{align}$$ $$\begin{align} Z_\text{in}=\frac{V_T}{I_T}&=\frac{Z_M}{1+A}\newline \end{align}$$ $$\begin{align} Z_M&=\frac{1}{sC_M}\newline \end{align}$$...

September 25, 2023

Review Material for a First Electronics Course

After enrolling in electronics courses, many students are still connecting dots and developing fluency regarding prereq STEM concepts. Below is an article that addresses common questions, strategies and conceptual connections that I hope will aid students in their study of electronics. The takeaway is to practice, ask questions, then practice some more. Don't get discouraged. In my experience, it always feels like I need to re-learn the most important topics many times....

September 23, 2023