After enrolling in electronics courses, many students are still connecting dots and developing fluency regarding prereq STEM concepts. Below is an article that addresses common questions, strategies and conceptual connections that I hope will aid students in their study of electronics. The takeaway is to practice, ask questions, then practice some more. Don't get discouraged. In my experience, it always feels like I have to re-learn the most important topics many times. -Dr. Beal


For EE518 Nonlinear Dynamics

Symbol Name Explanation Usage Latex
$x \mapsto y$ Map/mapping
$f:X \mapsto Y$ Function signature The function $f$ maps the input space $X$ to the output space $Y$
$\mathbb{R}^n$ Euclidean space
$\mathbb{R}$ A line
$\mathbb{R}^2$ A plane
$\mathbb{R}^3$ 3 dimensional Euclidean Space
$\mathbb{Z}$ The integers ${0,\pm1,\pm2,\pm3,… }$
$\N$ The natural numbers ${1,2,3,…}$
$\exists$ There exists
$\in$ In (member of)
$\forall$ For all (for every)
$:$ Such that
N/A ‘Onto’ The map $f$ is said to map $M$ onto $N$ if for every point $y$ in $N$ there exists at least one point $x$ in $M$ that is mapped to $y$ by $f$

Symbol Collection

Symbol Name Explanation Usage Latex
Logic-related Operators
$\neg$ Negation
$\sim$ Negation
$\rightarrow$ Implication
$\Rightarrow$ Implication
$\supset$ Implication
$\leftrightarrow$ Equivalence
$\Leftrightarrow$ Equivalence
$\equiv$ Equivalence
$\forall$ Universal qualifier
$\exists$ Existential qualifier
$\emptyset$ Empty set
$\mathbb{N}$ Natural numbers
$\mathbb{Z}$ Integers
$\mathbb{Z}_+$ Positive integers
$\mathbb{Z}_n$ Set of integers modulo $n$
$\mathbb{R}$ Real numbers
$\mathbb{R}_+$ Positive real numbers
$\mathbb{Q}$ Rational numbers
$\mathbb{I}$ Irrational numbers
$\mathbb{B}$ Boolean set
$\mathbb{C}$ Complex numbers
Dimensional Spaces
$\mathbb{R}^2$ Euclidean plane
$\mathbb{R}^3$ 3-dimensional Euclidean space
$\mathbb{R}^n$ $n$-dimensional Euclidean space
Relationships & Functions
$x \mapsto y$ Map/mapping
$f:X \mapsto Y$ Function signature


  1. Irwin, J. D., & Nelms, R. M. (2020). *Basic engineering circuit ↩︎